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List Software in Hursley Archive

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Item Reference Software Name Description Date Location  
SW0111 Lotus Freelance Graphics R 1.0 1990 HLG
SW0112 Lotus 1-2-3/G OS/2 version HLG
SW0113 IBM Macro Assembler 5.1/4 HLG
SW0114 Writing Assistant 5.1/4 HLG
SW0115 Reporting Assistant 5.1/4 HLG
SW0116 Personal Editor 5.1/4 HLG
SW0117 Macro Assembler Macro Assembler V2.00 75X5331 1986 HLG
SW0118 Filing Assistant 5.1/4 HLG
SW0119 IBM Sort 5.1/4 HLG
SW0120 PC-Lib 47 x 3.1/2 HLG
SW0121 C/2 V1.1 Manual only HLG
SW0122 OS/2 Rexx: From Bark to Byte GG24-4199-00 book + 3.1/2 1993 HLG
SW0123 Lotus WordPro 96 W3.1 - Lotus Notes ready 1995 HLG
SW0126 IBM DOS 2.1 Sealed DOS 2.1 6183946 1983 HLG
SW0127 DisplayWrite 4 With Reference Guide 75X8400 1986 HLG
SW0128 IBM - Microsoft Adventure 6024006 1981 HLG
SW0129 FileCommand 6024062 1983 HLG
SW0130 IBM - Microsoft Decathlon 6024020 1982 HLG
SW0131 Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 CD 59H1710 1995 HLG
SW0132 Lotus Notes Express for OS/2 28H5358 1995 HLG
SW0133 Product Registration Diskette With return envelope! HLG
SW0134 Deadline Infocom Inc 1982 HLG
SW0135 WordPerfect 3.1/2 HLG
SW0136 MQSeries 17H7997 MQSeries for OS/2 Spanish V2.0 1995 HLG


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