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Hursley Museum & Web Site News

May 2024 - It is with the greatest sadness that we have to announce the passing of one of our longest serving curators, Peter Short.
Peter first volunteered as a museum curator in 2011 and quickly realised that the museum needed some external visibility, and so started work on the museum's website.
Over the years the website has continued to evolve into a comprehensive exhibit catalogue and the far more extensive portal that you see today, all of which was designed, built and managed by Peter.
Peter was passionate about preserving IBM's historical legacy and was heavily involved with the IBM Corporate Archive, other IBM museums in Europe and further afield; computer preservation and conservation societies and individuals, including the British Computer Society, Computer Conservation Society, Bletchley Park and many more.
Peter was a beacon of diligence, tirelessly working to document, protect, and share the stories of IBM's computing history. Along with his colleagues, Peter created exhibits that brought the evolution of technology to life, inspiring countless visitors to marvel at the pace and complexity of innovation or to relive their own experiences in the fledgling early days of computing.
Peter's passing leaves the IBM Hursley Museum with a yawning gap in expertise and ingenuity which will be hard to fill. He will be sorely missed by his fellow curators, but his legacy lives on in every nook and cranny of the museum.
Apr 2024 - We've been able to repair a typewriter Model B (typebar), Selectric (Golf Ball) and Wheelwriter (Daisy Wheel) and put them on display in the 'touchy-feely' corner. Visitors will be able to operate these machines to see how typewriters worked.
- We now have a working DisplayWriter, Office Products Division's dedicated word processing computer.
- We have several Maintenance Devices over what we need, and are sorting out which ones to keep. The MD was used to help diagnose problems in 3330 / 3380 disk drives.
- The PC-XT that demonstrated the IBM Alley Cat game died and has been replaced with another working model.
Mar 2024 - The S/23 is back out on display and is still non-functional. The problem appears to be power supply, for which we have no wiring diagram to assist fault finding.
- Similarly the first 5110 seems to be suffering from power supply issues. We've now retrieved our second machine from archive. This one does power up and will be the subject of further testing.
- A new volunteer has signed up to help the curator team.
Feb 2024 - The 129 card punch / verifier is now on display in the punch card room.
- Initial power up on our System/23 Datamaster and one of our two 5110s have not been encouraging. The 5110 did come up with a test display, but then blew a fuse. When the fuse was replaced the machine no longer responded. The S/23 is also not showing any signs of life.
- We are investigating, with the help of a retired developer, wherher we can make our Sphinx LCD projector actually display an image on the wall.
- Continue preparations for a new website section, collating photos of the museum rooms as they changed over the last 14 years.
Jan 2024 - The 129 card punch / verifier is now working.
- The 029 card punch keyboard issues have been resolved - a combination of 3 restore bail adjustments and one dirty contact. Another problem is under investigation - with starwheels down on a blank programme card, the punch clutch runs continuously when Release is pressed, or cycles more than once when punching. Problem is not present with starwheels raised.
- The Schools Computer replica is progressing. The designer is donating a kit of parts to one of our curators to build a copy for the museum.
- More PC / PS2 machines have been repaired.
Dec 2023 - Our second 3279 is now working, and running diagnostics from the 3174 controller.
- The 129 card punch / verifier is ready for testing.
- The museum loaned out some MQ literature for a recent anniversary celebration.
- We have provided copies of documentation on the Schools Computer, developed in 1969, to an employee interested in building a replica.
Nov 2023 - We have started work to try and get one of our 3279 colour terminals operating again. Several capacitors have been changed in the power supply, which appears now to be working. Symptoms now suggest analogue card.
- The 3174 controller has been tested in preparation for connecting the 3279. It appears to IML OK but stops with a configuration error. We need a working terminal to continue.
- A volunteer from the lab is now helping out in the museum
- Several years ago we were offered a 129 card punch / verifier that was located in the Netherlands. Covid prevented its shipment to the UK, but it was recently brought over by the UK based person who offered it, in the back of his car. Our new volunteer was able to collect it from County Durham. It is now undergoing some deep cleaning.
Sep 2023 - Our colleagues in Böblingen have sent us a couple of parts for our 029 card punch, including a belt that was in urgent need of replacement, which has been done. The 029 still needs some work on the keyboard.
- The 2741 golf ball selectric printer has been cleaned in the new parts cleaner and re-lubricated. A few hard to reach bits are still a little sticky.
- Many of the donated personal computers have been tested, some working fine and others not so healthy. As ever part of the problem is lack of spares.
- We are liaising with TNMoC who are planning a System/360 exhibition next year. More details as they become available.
Aug 2023 - The museum has received a donation of several PS/2s, PC & PS/2 adapter cards and a small Sstem/390.
- We have finally managed to clear a small back office room and install racking for further hardware storage both there and in another storage area.
- We are slowly working through hundreds of photos, slides and negatives, scanning many for inclusion on the photo archive website.
- Museum visits have been further delayed and admin transferred to the Executive Briefing Centre. This will ensure that future visits are coordinated with customer visits.
May 2023 - Curators have clubbed together and bought a parts cleaner as used in garages and workshops. It is large enough to accommodate a big typewriter and will be equally useful for small parts. Forty year old grease and oil becomes very sticky, and we are hoping that this will help us remove the build-up without having to disassemble complex mechanical hardware.
- Derek has been working through our collection of PS/2 P70 portables and PC Convertible to segregate those that are still in working order. We have donated one of each in working order to Jim Austin's Computer Sheds, delivered in person in exchange for a tour of this vast collection.
Mar 2023 - A new volunteer, Derek Ashmore, has joined the curator team.
- We have received several donations including PC-XT, PC software and games and a 1950s typewriter.
- Our colleagues in Böblingen are in the process of moving the museum to the new location at Schönaich, a few kilometres down the road. They had a problem with a 9335 disk drive, and no documentation. Fortunately this was a Hursley development, and the site library holds copies of a lot of, maybe all (but we don’t know for sure), locally developed products and we were able to find the manual they needed. This was scanned over the course of a weekend (429 pages) and sent to them. We also offered a copy to Bitsavers, which they gratefully accepted.
Jan 2023 - The museum has received a donation of two complete AS/400 systems from an IT consultancy in Wales.
- A Data Storage Specialist Communications Agency visited the museum for a photo shoot just before Christmas. They are planning a social media campaign about old technologies later this year.
Nov 2022

- Some of the back office storage areas have been cleared and tidied, providing more space for hardware that has been living on the floor. New racking is being installed in two rooms.
- Following Bletchley Park's launch of their new exhibition in April 2022 we are putting together a 'compimentary' display based around our 077 collator and 416 tabulator and showing how the huge punch card operations integrated with the other code breaking processes.
- The Autumn edition of the Bletchley Park magazine featured an article describing how Hollerith and IBM punch card technology became a vital part of their operations.
- We have loaned an IBM PC to the Law Society for an exhibition marking 150 years of the Technology & Construction Court.
- The new photoraph archive website continues to grow.

Sep 2022 - Work continues repairing hardware that has become unwell during the extended lockdown.
- Four boxes of S/360 and 1620 documentation from St. Andrews University catalogued.
May 2022 - Since the reopening of the site, curators have started more regular visits. Firts activities will include checking hardware on display that was previously working, and repairing as necessary, and tidying up a lot of donations that arrived during our absence.
- Bletchley Park's new exhibition, The Intellligence Factory, opened 26th April. Two representatives from Hursley attended the opening ceremony.
- Our video of the 1052 golf ball printer has exceeded 2.1 million views on YouTube.
Aug - Nov 21

- Further progress on the Extreme Blue project with the acquisition of 3 iPads and prototype inputs for the app.
- A new section has been added to the website under 'photographs' - a large personal collection of IBM hardware photographs collected by Peter S over the years. /hursley/IBM Hardware/
- The museum has agreed to the loan of its 080 punch card sorter to Bletchley Park for a new exhibition, due to open in 2022. The theme is the punch card processing side of their WW2 operations.
- In addition, our colleagues in Böblingen are making some audio recordings of working unit record machines including a sorter. This will be used in the audio guide to the exhibition.

- November CCS Report distributed
- September CCS Report distributed

Apr - Aug 21 - Hursley site remains closed. Work reported in March is almost completed. IBM Hardware photos and documentation are now on an as-yet unpublished web site. A new section on Customer Engineering is underway. This will be made available once a search function has been developed.
- A project proposal from the Hursley Museum was accepted in the spring this year for inclusion in IBM's annual Extreme Blue intern programme. The 12 week project has concluded with a working, web-based application to assist museum visitors and gather feedback. Next stage is to populate the app with a few initial subjects.
- Custom PC Magazine published an article on the 40th anniversary of the IBM-PC. Curator Peter Short provided photos and technical input. At the time of writing, the article can be read here:
- Over the course of the year the web site has been further updated with new material.
Mar 21

- Work started on sorting many years' worth of photos and douments into some semblance of order to be made available online.

- March CCS Report distributed

Feb 21 - Curators provided input for a short presentation by Tony Cleaver at the Royal Society. Conent included John Fairclough, CashPoint and the rotary disk actuator.
Dec 20 / Jan 21

- Virtual panoramic tour of the museum created which can be viewed here .
- Further research into our 'mystery tool' - still not identified its purpose - see here for details and photos.
- Hursley site still closed so no access to the museum.

- January CCS Report distributed

Oct / Nov 2020 - Donations received include items from Harwell's S360/195s disassembled in 1982 for scrap, a CE tool consisitng a cassette recorder, interface cards and magnetic tapes for the IBM 3683 cash till.
- Enquiry from York University for information on the Queen's Award for Technological Achievement
- November CCS Report distributed
September 2020 - Design for Hub clock finalised. Lab management investigating availability of funds and printing of final panel from approved supplier
- A number of donations received at home were dropped off at Hursley and some items recovered from the back office to allow further work from home
- Maintenance work at Hursley during lockdown produced finds including signal generator and power supplies from a test lab and some old monitors
- Donations promised once we're back (collation from previous 6 months) - PC-AT with 5.1/4" and 3.1/2" drives; copies of DisplayWrite 4 & 5; unidentified CE tool with cassette recorder and logic cards; copies of Enterprise Systems Journals; PS/2E; empty Corrosion Inhibitor can (CE supplies)
- The 129 card punch verifier, promised over a year ago, is still stuck in the Netherlands, donor's latest plans thwarted by Covid restrictions
- September CCS Report distributed
July/Aug 2020 - Video meeting held with colleagues in Boeblingen
- Design work started on information panels for exhibits. The first project is the master clock on display in The Hub
- Started regular Zoom meetings between curators
- All parts in Austrian parts box catalogued
- Other donations - marketing demo case with silicon chips and microscope; software manuals; technical information cards; UK SE 1962-1987 book; IBM 96M Composer
June 2020 - Donations received from Austria - 3277 keyboard + 3276 card reader + dot matrix print head + 1403 print hammer, 6715 typewriter
- 6715 typewriter was not working, fault traced to short circuit capacitors and rectified. Now fully working ready for display.
- Further donations received or in transit - a large fishing tackle style box filled with spares for punch card hardware and a Selectric typewriter.
- Contact established with curators of Boeblingen museum.
- Web site slide shows updated to reflect previously unidentified images now identified
April/May 2020 - Curators have held a couple of Zoom meetings
- Curator Peter Short recently joined the IBM Austria retiree club, having worked on assignment in Salzburg as a CE in the 70s. The club coordinator has sent a request to all members looking for donations of spare parts or complete hardware. At the time of writing (26/5) four people are sending us several donations.
- CCS Newsletter May 2020 - content includes the March newsletter with some updates. Peter participated in CCS committee meeting via Zoom.
- Hursley closed in early March and remains closed. We have been unable to access the museum.
- Some web site updates
- A new trifold is now available - IBM Inventions Part 1. Printed copies were delivered to the museum just as the site closed down, but you can print your own!
Feb/Mar 2020 - CCS Newsletter March 2020
- A quiet time with curators away!
- Hursley site closed early March
January 2020 - New web site page covering punch card data processing.
- CCS Newsletter January 2020
- Key web pages added to Analytics
- The BBC broadcast a short piece about Y2K on The One Show 6th January. Although we contributed to the BBC, none of our material was used and general feeling amongst other contributors was it almost dismissed the subject as a non-event.
- Possible offer of a working System/3 at some point in the future. Owner is not yet ready to part with his machine, but we have expressed our interest whenever he is ready. Estimate received for shipping charges to judge whether funding may be available, but at nearly £5K funding is unlikely for the foreseeable future.
December 2019 - The museum trifolds are now available on the web site to print yourself.
November 2019 - Apollo trifold ready for printing
- Request from Glasgow film company to help with information about Greenock and Greenock products for a BBC documentary on Silicon Glen
- Request for filming in the museum - a university project developing a module on IoT
- CCS Newsletter November 2019
October 2019 - Museum map trifold updated
- New trifolds being developed - Unit Record Process and Apollo involvement 50 years after moon landing
September 2019

- Work started on reviving 2741 I/O typewriter
- Royal Hampshire County Hospital borrowed a number of artefacts to support an exhibition during the last week of September
- CCS Newsletter September 2019

August 2019 - Problems resolved with 5496 card punch / verifier
- Maintenance on 1052 keyboardless golf ball printer
July 2019 - Request received for Y2K information for upcoming BBC documentary
- Screenshots from Y2K non-compliant machine sent to BBC
- Restoration started on 1916 dial recorder from Oslo. Clock still works!
- Additional racking installed in hardware archive and more artefacts catalogued
- Donated a PC-XT keyboard to IBM Sweden for their customer Kista to get an XT working again
March - June 2019 - 029 Card Punch now fully operational
- 5496 Card Punch / Verifier tested and working. Urgently needs a new drive belt
- Hursley room displays reorganised
- MICA thin film memory display installed in Hursley room
- Additional display area made available in HLG19 adjacent to West Door
- Several donations received, including Selectric typewriters, MICA memory bits
- CCS Newsletter March & May 2019
February 2019 - We have identified an artefact that has been in the back office for years, thanks to some detailed photos from our friends in Namur. It is a printed acetate roll from the operator console of a S/370 Model 138.
- Our 029 card punch has been fitted with a wooden leg. One of the back legs was broken during transit from Oslo. It has also had a mechanical check and lubrication, but now needs some circuit tracing to get it fully working.
January 2019 - Latest donation is an ITR clocking-in machine with IBM UK serial plate and service phone numbers inside.
- CCS Newsletter January 2019
November / December 2018 - An exhibition has opened in the Computer Museum NAM-IP in Namur, Belgium highlighting mainframe computers. Hursley Museum provided information and photographs earlier in the year. One of the machines on display is a System/370 Model 138, which was developed in Hursley. The exhibition is open until the end of June.
- Recent donations include a PC-AT, a set of ESCON tools used by CE to measure propagation / attenuation in fibre cables. We also received a 4691 leisure / pub terminal, code name Moonshine, developed by WSD in 1986. This is now on display in the Hursley room.
- CCS Newsletter November 2018
September / October 2018

- The Heritage Open Day was on the 16th September, with around 200 visitors to the museum
- The following weekend included the Open Day for employees, families and retirees. The museum was packed with visitors for the whole day.
- A little while ago, we were finally able, after years of hoping, to access a safe high up and behind wooden panelling in one of the conference rooms in the House. In there we found over 300 boxes, all numbered, containing ALD (Automated Logic Diagram) printouts, other print runs, punch cards and hand written worksheets. It's taken a while to work out what this treasure trove actually is, but we are now confident it is the complete logic design for the System/360 Model 40. So far we have not been able to ascertain why it was archived there.

August 2018 - Two new display cabinets have arrived. Both have been placed in the main hall on the ground floor of Hursley House.
- Three RS/6000 machines have been donated by Geert Rolf in the Netherlands. He has also donated a 129 card punch / verifier, which will be shipped at some time in the future.
- CCS Newsletter August 2018
June/July 2018 - The NHS anniversary exhibition was a great success. Alongside the artefacts loaned to the Royal Hampshire County Hospital, the staff showed a number of devices to assist people with disabilities to make better use of computing equipment. There were many other exhibits on display, including a room full of rather gruesome instruments used in days gone by.
- Some preparation work has started in advance of the coming 60th celebrations. The museum is expanding its range of explanatory leaflets around the various museum rooms.
May 2018 - Until we fully understand the implications of GDPR, the website has been modified to withhold people's names that accompany photographs. The data is still held but not publicly available.
- The museum has been asked to support the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in its celebrations of 70 years NHS in June. The aim is to display office equipment alongside medical equipment to show a wider picture of the environment both in front-end medicine and office support. The only artefact we have from the days of IBM's Medical Division is a line drawing of an IBM Heart-Lung machine used in the 1950s. We will however be lending typewriters, PCs and other office artefacts.
- CCS Newsletter May 2018
April 2018 - Initial preparations for the 60th anniversary of IBM at Hursley - we have started looking at what artefacts we could display as part of the celebrations in September
- Just prior to the 60th, Hursley will be opening the House doors for the Heritage Weekend. The House and grounds will be open to the public. The museum will hopefully combine additional displays from the 60th.
March 2018 - New page added to website on Pervasive Computing
- New Oslo artefacts put on display
- Photos of 1960s hardware sent to a museum in Namur, Belgium, for a planned exhibition
- CCS Newsletter March 2018
February 2018 - Remainder of missing Oslo artefacts arrived
- S/370 Console on display in the Hursley room
- Clock and tabulator moved to the new Hursley "Hub"
January 2018 - Oslo article published in the Computer Conservation Society journal
- CCS Newsletter January 2018
Nov / Dec 2017 - A number of damaged machines from Oslo repaired and put on display
- One of the Oslo master clocks is now fully working and on display
- The Personal Computing room was reorganised to show the hardware in chronological order, with some items removed and replaced by others. ThinkPads are now included in this display.
- ASCII terminals, token ring and point of sale have now moved into the old video control room previously occupied by ThinkPads
- AS/400s have moved into the room previously occupied by RISC hardware, which is now incorporated into the PC room
- The typewriter room now has a more complete display of Office Products hardware
- CCS Newsletter November 2017
October 2017 - Shipment arrived from Oslo. Several items put straight out on display. Some items damaged and will require repair. See /oslo.asp for a fuller story.
September 2017 - Rearranged a number of displays and back office storage in preparation for the arrival of the new artefacts from Oslo.
- Shipping agreed with IBM Norway
- Peter attended BCS event, taking a selection of artefacts for display to attendees.
August 2017 - New ThinkPad display completed with a disassembled 'Butterfly' 701 and ThinkPad accessories, including a range of PCMCIA cards.
- Donations of a PS/1, ThinkPad 560Z in full working order and some brochures and documentation.
- Agreed a list of artefacts to ship from Oslo. Ongoing discussions regarding funding for the shipping costs.
- CCS Newsletter August 2017
July 2017 - Reorganised ThinkPad display - remove a number of ThinkPads and associated shelving, display Sequent server and lighted display cabinet instead. Cabinet will contain disassembled ThinkPads.
June 2017 - Offer of a treasure trove of artefacts from IBM in Oslo as they are moving office.
- Meeting with EBC, UCL and British Library to discuss possible joint projects on archiving.
May 2017 - Request for assistance from Bletchley Park to identify wartime IBM equipment
- CCS Newsletter May 2017
April 2017 - Visit from IBM Corporate Archivist Jamie Martin and LJ Strumpf
- Large quantity of IBM manuals, sales materials, magazines, newspapers going back to the 1920s donated by an avid collector of all things IBM
- From the same collector, a model of a 705 console, battery operated, with flashing lights and rotating tape drive
- IBM-PC Prototyping Adapter Card added to displays
March 2017 - New display space to be made available in the main hall of the House
- Andy Stanford-Clark has now identified for us the 'mousetrap demo' on display.It is an Arcom controller used in the development of MQTT messaging protocol
- Request for information on IBM Dial Recorders from the Poldark Mine, they have one with a missing wheel
- CCS Newsletter March 2017
February 2017 - Article published by The Winchester Resident about the museum
- Greenock 'time capsule' received - lead box retrieved from wall in old Greenock reception containing newspapers and artefacts from the official opening of the plant in 1954
January 2017 - PC Prototyping Adapter Card donated by Peter Short
- New display space being made available in the Galileo Centre
- CCS Newsletter January 2017
December 2016 - John Heath, inventor of the swinging arm disk head technology, visited 16/12 and donated a Kestrel, a cutaway Redwing, the first two prototype swinging arms and some slides. He also helped the museum to identify Zenith.
November 2016 - IBM printing calculator added to collection thanks to a donation from George Tula
- Museum loans now added to the web site
- Donations including 2 x 3604, PS/2s, keyboards
- Rescued internally - more SSA adapters and disks, new 8" floppies, documentation
- CCS Newsletter November 2016
October 2016 - Significant progress cataloguing hardware in reserve collection
- Miscellaneous hardware, software and documentation from Runtime Technologies Department
- A quantity of SSA hard drives and adapter cards, plus other early hard drives from Storage Systems Development
- Some OPCE tools from John Dupree & Martin Parr
September 2016 - Several artefacts loaned to Manchester for their display
- Further donations received, mainly documentation
- IBM 091 Hollerith Tabulator moved to Origins Room
- Hand punch IBM 011 loaned to a Hursley department has disappeared
August 2016 - The donation of rack hardware from Warwick was brought to Hursley by two CEs based there, together with two Tektronix oscilloscopes..
- John Edwards has donated some framed magazine adverts for old, valve technology / mechanical IBM equipment plus some miscellaneous documentation and software. The pictures now hang behind the 705 console.
- 24 volt fixed power supplies obtained for two clocks.
- Bob Roberts has donated several miscellaneous pieces of hardware, a couple of ThinkPads, hard copy and a box of punch cards.
- CCS Newsletter August 2016
July 2016 - IBM 2984 Cash Issuing Terminal mock-up completed and moved to display area
- Small display of miscellaneous punch cards framed and set out in Origins room.
- One IBM clock has been partially resurrected, the electric rewind is proving unreliable.
- Meeting with ETS manager to discuss possible dates for their exhibits.
June 2016 - Obtained a variable voltage bench power supply, principally for testing IBM clock rewind mechanisms, but will be useful for other projects.
- Donated PS/2 P75 Portable to David Walton, a collector.
- Donation of ThinkPad 365XD from Brian Wiseman.
April - May 2016 - Secured a donation of two racks of assorted network / communications hardware from Warwick. They will bring down in August.
- Donated a magnetic tape and some punch cards to Trevor Lee for use on courses he runs for new apprentices and grads.
- Donation of PS/2 Model 55 from Glen Wilson
- CCS Newsletter May 2016
March 2016 - Installed further display cabinet in lower ground corridor
- Moved AS/400 and expansion box plus tape library machines into HLG19
- Donations include PS/2 and CE vacuum cleaner
- More work on 2984 CashPoint Model
- Create new panorama images for rooms with new displays
- CCS Newsletter March 2016
February 2016 - Begun replacing blue cards with shorter descriptions and QR codes for more detail
- Installed two tier racking for typewriter display area
- Retiree Newsletter February 2016
January 2016 - Obtained an IBM 3179 Colour Display Terminal, the monitor of which was developed in Hursley
- Obtained 1930s Electromatic typewriter
- CCS Newsletter January 2016
December 2015 - Five glass display cabinets received, Hursley products room reorganised
- Set of tools received for the back office workshop
- Donations received from a number of sources
November 2015 - Received a set of System/3 coasters in excellent condition
- CCS Newsletter November 2015
- Retiree Newsletter November 2015
October 2015 - Work has started on a full scale model of a 2984 CashPoint
- Received a partial CE toolkit
- Ada Lovelace Day at Hursley on BBC South Today
- Vickers' analogue computers identified with help of CCS
September 2015 - CCS Newsletter September 2015
July / August 2015

- Damage to 3278 has been rectified.
- The Hursley / Imperial College space probe IBMImp1 has been donated to the museum.
- We have donated some 'pins' (lapel badges) to a collector in Germany.
- A museum planning document has been prepared, looking at improvements to display areas and a major upgrade of the back office / archive storage.
- Latest status on AS/400 - we now have 4 working machines to which we have attached a 3570 Magstar tape library and a 3590 tape drive. MQSeries is running on one of the machines and CICS/400 will be running soon.

- Retiree Newsletter July 2015

June 2015

- We have donated a large number of non-IBM artefacts, together with some duplicate IBM hardware, to Jim Austin's computer museum near York. These have now all been collected.
- Jim Austin has loaned a 3278 display terminal with system console keyboard to the museum. It has some physical damage (dropped...) which we will try to rectify.

April / May 2015

- Received development adapter cards from Monitor Development - Expressway / Titanic / Spacemont / General B
- Received Redwing hard disk from former IBM Havant employee
- Replaced faulty kiosk in HLG03 and updated museum rolling presentation
- Article in New Electronics about the museum - click here to download PDF
- Received some Hursley developed logic modules

March 2015

- Received Tektronix Oscilloscope, Avo 8 multimeter and digital multimeter.
- PC-XT with OEM external interface donated.
- CE S/360 manuals received.
- New shelving ex-library set up in paper archive room HLG10.
- Web site navigation updated.

- CCS Newsletter March 2015

February 2015

- Another AS/400 brought to life.
- Preliminary work started on cataloguing photographic archive - More documentation and PC software received
- Liaison started with a computer museum near York. We are donating a number of mainly non-IBM artefacts.
- Library database added to web site.

- Retiree newsletter February 2015

January 2015

- Received an IBM 091 "Hollerith Type III Tabulator" and two Executive typewriters from Lyngby, Denmark. The 091 appears to date from 1921.
- The model of Hursley site has been moved from the conservatory into the museum. The display area in HLG19 has been moved around to accommodate it.
- New machine identification plate for the 705 designed in and printed from Photoshop.
- 3D model of missing 705 keytop designed in Autodesk Inventor and 3D printed.

- CCS Newsletter January 2015 (PDF)

December 2014

- Work has started on the RAPC 056 Verifier.
- The distorted covers of the RAPC 705 console have been straightened.
- Rear covers have been made for the 024 and 056.

November 2014

- The RAPC 024 card punch has been restored to working order.
- Home made desktops produced and fitted to 024 and 056.
- The museum has loaned a number of artefacts to the Bristol office, where new arrivals Cloudant are based.
- We have heard that some early punch card equipment may be available from the IBM office in Lyngby, Denmark. We are exploring the possibility of shipping these to Hursley.

- CCS Newsletter November 2014 (PDF)

October 2014

- Work continues to try and set up a working AS/400 and to obtain a copy of CICS/400 for demonstration.
- We now have the capability of transferring video tapes directly to PC from a combination of different VCR formats.
- One of the CCS meeting attendees has borrowed a couple of video reel tapes to see if he can find a facility to view and transfer the collection we have in the museum.
- Donations this month include a Proprinter I and a BBC micro.

September 2014

- Computer Conservation Society visit to Hursley. 42 members attended, presentations on the museum, Hursley site and CICS with guided tour of the museum.

August 2014

- Royal Army Pay Corps hardware delivered and put on display:
   - 705 Console
   - 727 Tape Drive
   - 024 Card Punch & 056 Card Verifier
   - 3350 DASD

- CCS Newsletter August 2014 (PDF)

July 2014

- Donation of IBM-PC & PC-XT
- Visit by iMeta personnel to museum
- Perspex cover fitted to top of 1052
- Appeal sent out to retiree community for CCS project involving ST506

June 2014

- Rob Lamb & Scott Couper given a tour of the museum.
- Meeting with EBC management - introduction to possible future changes to the museum.
- MQSeries working on one machine, plans to install on a second platform to allow demonstrations.
- Continued attempts at obtaining a copy of CICS/400 so far unsuccessful.
- Received a 70s US rotary phone.
- Retiree Newsletter June 2014 (Download PDF).

May 2014

- Visit from NATS employee who has a 360/65 rescued when it was discontinued. He plans to restore it when he retires.
- Warehouse find - a warehouse has been discovered in the US containing a large number of S/360 and S/370 hardware, including a Model 40. We are attempting to acquire this for Hursley.
- ET95 still not working - awaiting replacement capacitors.
- Artefacts loaned to Barclays for their Mainframe 50th event.

April 2014

- Selectric Composer purchased on eBay for 99p.
- Faulty power supply identified on ET95, colleague Lukas Tschudi in Switzerland has kindly stripped parts from one he has and sent across.
- 1052 keyboardless printer donated.
- Work continues on several AS/400s.
- S/360 50th anniversary marked with small exhibition and new web site page.
- CCS Newsletter April 2014 (PDF)

March 2014

- Telephone handset received from Amberley Museum for display with acoustic coupler.
- Newsletter Feb / March 2014 (Download PDF).

January - February 2014

- Two Selectric Electronic Typewriters donated, one with a 5.1/4" external diskette drive (ET95), together with a large selection of golf balls.
- PC-XT donated
- 082 card sorter offered following closure of Buchan House in Edinburgh. Transport to Hursley is yet to be arranged.
- Section of raised floor put on display in CE Room.
- Terry Muldoon's "100 Years of IBM" published in CCS newsletter 'Resurrection.'

December 2013 - Two visits made to the closed Weybridge office, from where further artefacts were added to the collection
- PAT testing done on a number of PC & PS/2 exhibits
- Additional lighting added in CE Room.
- Privately owned AS/400 donated to the museum.
- The museum was invited to join the Computer Conservation Society as a Project Group. We have accepted the invitation.
November 2013

- Many artefacts removed from Normandy House, Basingstoke by curators
- Visit to DP Machine Room resulting in donations of recently decommissioned units
- Photos section of web site reorganised, many new pictures added of IBM hardware & locations

September / October 2013

- Continued cataloguing of paper archive
- Developing token ring display
- 6 volunteers arrived to assist part time
- New storage area filling rapidly

July - August 2013

- Two AS/400 iSeries loaned to the museum by Terry Muldoon
- Work started on developing a CICS display
- Progress cataloguing paper archive
- New storage area allocated in HLG
- More donations
- Newsletter September 2013 (Download PDF)

May - June 2013

- The new display area is completed and has been officially opened
- The museum has acquired a PC-AT after much searching
- Further donations including hardware, tools and some Projacs software outputs used by BAE during the development of Concorde
- Newsletter June 2013 (Download PDF)

April 2013

- Steady progress on preparation of new display area
- PS/2 model 55 received from CCH, together with a PS/2 model 30
- Further donations have arrived including PS/2 model 90, PC Jr, 300PL, PS/2 model 80, 4019 laser printer

March 2013 - Further rooms in the old Human Factors suite handed over and in the process of being prepared for new exhibitions
February 2013 - 1052 Selectric refurb completed, perspex case made and simple electronics panel to drive it.
- More rooms available for display behind HLG19 - exhibits will be built in the coming weeks
- The Centre for Computing History has offered us a PS/2 model 55
- Newsletter February 2013 (Download PDF)
January 2013 - Meeting held with Computer Conservation Society and National Museum of Computing (Bletchley) - agreed areas of cooperation - Bletchley to donate a PC-AT and potentially some mid-range systems
- Commenced building a definitive list of all products developed at Hursley
December 2012 Hursley Park videos submitted to YouTube and added to web site menu under "Movies"
Very early IBM-PC donated - 115 volt / 2 diskette drives
Two faulty 'luggables' brought back to life
September - November 2012 3174 Controller and 3268 Printer retrieved from A block.
Racking from the machine room has become available. It will be retrieved over a period of time and allow the museum to expand the number of items on display in the same floor area.
Further donations include a fully working PS/1, a ProPrinter, more ThinkPads and CE documentation.
IBM-PC memory problem has been fixed.
Newsletter September 2012 (Download PDF)
July / August 2012 More donations have been received, including an Aptiva, PC software and CE tools.
A number of ThinkPads and two 'luggables' have been received from Greenock. Also from Greenock the two stone castings originally displayed in their reception area, one with the bust of Thomas Watson.
June 2012 A number of donations have been received, including a PC-XT, PS/1, Thinkpads and an IBM branded pen plotter.
Newsletter June 2012 (Download PDF)
Some items including documentation and a wooden model have been received from the Royal Army Pay Corps in advance of their 705 coming to Hursley on loan.
May 2012 Most hardware items on display now added to the database
List hardware now includes serial number where known and mini-thumbnail
April 2012 Web site first pass completed and out for review
New sections added under the Home Page menu
Feb / March 2012 Newsletter Feb 2012 (Download PDF)