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Item Reference Machine Type Serial Number   Description Location  
HW0672 8543 None 8543 PS/2 L40 Archive
HW0673 6713 58-5002696 6713 Model 50 Electronic Typewriter - severely gummed up! Archive
HW0674 SCAMP TROS SCAMP TROS Transformer Read Only Storage On Display
HW0675 6251-615 None 6251-615 72 Selectric Composer - model 615 - Op Cord stuck. No print. Esc cam stuck Archive
HW0676 6783-2 11-R3053 6783-2 Wheelwriter 15 series 2 daisywheel printer - not tested Archive
HW0677 6375 75639 6375 Electronic Composer - Not tested Archive
HW0678 6747-2 None 6747-2 Wheelwriter - Selectric System/2000 - Tested and fully working Archive
HW0679 670X None 670X Selectric III Typewriter - DO NOT POWER UP label (Reason not known) Archive
HW0680 6715-001 6715-001 IBM Actionwriter typewriter - 'Seems to be working OK' Archive
HW0681 6715-001 6715-001 IBM Actionwriter typewriter - ' Working OK' Archive
HW0682 6715-001 6715-001 IBM Actionwriter typewriter - Tested and not working Daisy wheel does not spin Stepper motor Broken. Sent for Scrap. Archive
HW0684 6747-2 6747-2 Wheelwriter - Selectric System/2000 - Not tested Archive
HW0685 6251-615 6251-615 72 Selectric Composer - model 615 - Not tested Archive
HW0686 Model D Model D IBM Model D typewriter - working On Display
HW0687 Selectric II Selectric II IBM Correcting Selectric II typewriter - Duff Archive
HW0688 3279 3279 Analogue card for 3279 - Defective Archive
HW0689 TROS TROS Transformer Read Only Storage On Display
HW0690 TROS TROS Transformer Read Only Storage On Display
HW0691 8232239 8232239 System 38 Switched Mode Power Supply - Not tested Archive
HW0692 EPROM burner EPROM burner Non-IBM P8000 EPROM programmer Archive
HW0693 07N3821 07N3821 Disk Drive 3.5 SCSI 9.1Gb - Not tested Archive
HW0694 10L6046 10L6046 Disk Drive 3.5 Seagate IBM 18.2GB SCSI 80 Pin 10Krpm - Not tested Archive
HW0695 37L5742 37L5742 Disk Drive 3.5 SCSI 18.2Gb - Not tested Archive
HW0696 93G2854 93G2854 Disk Drive 3.5 SCSI 4.51Gb - Not tested Archive
HW0697 Nauticat Nauticat SSA Allicat Drive Archive


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