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Hardware Detail

Item Reference:
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Serial Number:
  IBM 3336 Disk Pack
  The disk pack was announced with the IBM 3330 Direct Access Storage Facility, code name "Merlin". It was designed to be attached to System/390 and S/360 model 195 mainframes.

Initial 3336s could store up to 100MB, with later, 1973, models increasing this to 200MB. Access time was 30ms with a data transfer rate of 806 lb/s. The disk was formatted with 404 cylinders and 19 tracks per cylinder and 13,030 data bytes per track.

The 3330 was the first disk system to contain arror correcting circuitry which enabled the system to be more tolerant of disk surface imperfections. It was withdrawn from marketing in 1983.
Date of Origin:


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