IBM 3101 ASCII Display Station The IBM 3101 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Display Station is an asynchronous serial communications terminal. it has 12" CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) that can display 80 columns by 24 lines of alphameric characters. It can be attached to both IBM and non-IBM computers. Unlike other IBM terminals, its uses the ASCII code set as opposed to the EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) Code Set more commonly found on IBM terminals, for example the IBM 3270 Information Display System. The 3101's communications interface provides Asynchronous Communicatios at speeds of up to 19,200 bits per second. it is switchable between EIA RS232 or EIA RS422 Current Loop. IBM 3102 Printer the IBM 3102 is the companion printer for the 3101 ASCII Display Station. It is a bi-directional (IBM's first bi-directional) text only thermal printer. The IBM 3102 is a screen printer at up to 80 columns by 24 lines, that is to say it cannot be independently addressed. 3101 / 3102 communication is via Asnynchronous Communication interface at speeds of up to 9,600 bits per second. The 3102 was developed at Fujisawa.