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New Items and Updates

Website activity of year 2014
Sept 30Added another :-)) letter from an IBM 305 Programmer
Feb 21Added Postscript, 1956 -> 2014 about improvements since -

Website activity of year 2013
Aug 24Added "RAMAC Scores 'First' in Winter Olympics from "Business Machines" March 1960, to RAMAC News
Mar 28Added letter from an IBM 305 Programmer

Website activity of year 2012
Mar 1Added Known IBM 350 (RAMAC) in the world

Website activity of year 2011
June 15Added How the RAMAC got its name
Jack Harker to Contact Info
March 19Added RAMAC now in R|EVOLUTION
Feb 9Added "A remarkable Dinner Talk by Rey Johnson, laboratory manager of the San Jose facility that developed the RAMAC local copy"

Website activity of year 2009
Oct 01Added Sept 30 work session, New controller moving arm.
July 24Added July, John Best's new black box

If you have comments or suggestions, Send e-mail to Ed Thelen

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