BASIC programs used by Santa Clara students
to position the RAMAC

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The following is from a CDROM found in the RAMAC area of CHM Saturday July 1, 2006

I don't know where it came from, and maybe I shouldn't have borrowed it.
However, with the purpose of "keeping us informed", here goes :-|

I presume it is the source code used by the Santa Clara students to drive the RAMAC servo system

Start of tirade :-((
In part, I am including this BASIC code because uninformed people often laugh and sniff at BASIC as being "primitive".

OK, it might not be the best thing for writing the UNIX operating system, but for many practical purposes it is much simpler, less error prone, and easier to understand. You can write tough code in any language - for fun you might wish to observe annual contest to write "Obfuscated C" - And then there is C++ :-((
End of tirade ;-))

The code on the disk seems organized in the following way

"Main Control" Directory
Main.bas, / DiskPos.bas, / ArmPos.bas, / Servo.bas /
"Disk Position" Directory
DiskPos.bas, / Servo.bas /
"Arm Position" Directory
Position.bas, / Servo.bas /
"Head Trial" Directory
Heads.bas /
There were other files of type .bxb, .bxm, .bxp, .mpx, .mpp, .prf
which I did not include - maybe make files, .h type files, and object files?

Main Control - Main.bas

Option Explicit
'Constant Declarations
Private DISKARRAY(1 to 50) as New PersistentInteger

Public Const DiskWiper	as Byte = 13
Public Const ArmWiper	as Byte = 14
Public Const TrackOdd	as Byte = 7
Public Const TrackEven	as Byte = 5
Public Const DiskOut	as Byte = 6
Public Const DiskIn	as Byte = 9
Public Const AirHead	as Byte = 8
Public Const InDown  	as Byte = 15
Public Const OutUp		as Byte = 16
Public Const KpA 		as Integer = 8
Public Const KvA		as Integer = 15
Public Const KpD 		as Single = 30.0	
Public Const KvD		as Single = 40.0	

Public Const ArmHome	as Integer = 15
Public Const AntiGrav	as Integer = 3300   'Integer
Public Const max		as integer = 4

'Variable Declarations
Public	ArmDest	as Integer
Public	ArmSave	as Integer
Public	ArmErr	as Integer
Public	ArmPos 	as Integer
Public	ArmLast	as Integer
Public	ArmVel	as Integer
Public 	Detent	as Byte
Public 	DSave	as Byte
Public 	Done		as Boolean
Public	PWMVal	as Integer
Public 	InRate 	as Integer
Public 	OutRate 	as Integer
Public 	DiskPos 	as Integer
Public 	DiskLast 	as Integer
Public 	DiskVel 	as Integer
Public 	DiskDest 	as Integer
Public 	DiskErr 	as Integer
Public 	DiskInt 	as Integer
Public 	J		as Integer
'Public 	DIntArr(1 to 15)  as Integer
Public	K as		Integer

'Stacks and Serial Buffers
Dim ServoStack(1 To 40) As Byte
Public Icom1(1 to 11) As Byte
Public Ocom1(1 to 11) As Byte

Public Sub Main()
'Call PersMem()

'	Start servo multitasking, start serial communication
	CallTask "Servo", ServoStack
	Call OpenQueue(ICom1, 13)
	Call OpenQueue(OCom1, 13)
	Call OpenCom(1,19200,ICom1,OCom1)
'		Get disk and track information
		Call GetInfo()

'		Go to track home
		Call GoHome()
'		Go to correct disk
		Call PDdisk()

'		Go to correct track
		Call PDArm()

'		Announce finished
		Call AllDone()


End Sub
Sub GetInfo()
	dim A as Byte
	dim B as Byte

	Call ClearQueue(ICom1)
	debug.print "What disk would you ";
	Debug.Print "like?(01 to 50)"
		Call GetQueue(ICom1, A, 1)
		Call GetQueue(ICom1, B, 1)
	A = A - 48
	B = B - 48
	DiskDest = Cint(10*A + B)

	If DiskDest > 50 Then
		DiskDest = 50
	End If
'	Calculates exact disk ADC Value from Persistent Memory
	DiskDest = DISKARRAY(DiskDest)

	Call ClearQueue(ICom1)
	debug.print "What track would you ";
	Debug.Print "like?(00 to 99)"
		Call GetQueue(ICom1, A, 1)
		Call GetQueue(ICom1, B, 1)
	A = A - 48
	B = B - 48
	ArmDest = Cint(10*A + B)

	If (ArmDest MOD 2) = 0 Then
		Detent = TrackEven
		Detent = TrackOdd
	End If

'	Calculates approx track ADC value based on rude curve fit
'	needs lots of work
	ArmDest = 174 + Cint(8.23*Csng(ArmDest))

'Debug.Print "Track: "; CStr(ArmDest)
End Sub
Sub AllDone()

	ArmPos = GetADC(ArmWiper)
	DiskPos = GetADC(DiskWiper)

	Debug.Print " Disk Desired: "; CStr(DiskDest)
	Debug.Print "         Disk: "; CStr(DiskPos)
	Debug.Print "Track Desired: "; CStr(ArmDest)
	Debug.Print "        Track: "; CStr(ArmPos)
End Sub
sub PersMem()
''WARNING: this sub writes to eeprom, only use the first time 
''the prog is run
DISKARRAY(1) = 1022
DISKARRAY(2) = 1008
DISKARRAY(3) = 987
DISKARRAY(4) = 966
DISKARRAY(5) = 945
DISKARRAY(6) = 924
DISKARRAY(7) = 904
DISKARRAY(8) = 883
DISKARRAY(9) = 862
DISKARRAY(10) = 840
DISKARRAY(11) = 820
DISKARRAY(12) = 800
DISKARRAY(13) = 779
DISKARRAY(14) = 759
DISKARRAY(15) = 739
DISKARRAY(16) = 718
DISKARRAY(17) = 698
DISKARRAY(18) = 679
DISKARRAY(19) = 660
DISKARRAY(20) = 642
DISKARRAY(21) = 623
DISKARRAY(22) = 604
DISKARRAY(23) = 584
DISKARRAY(24) = 563
DISKARRAY(25) = 543
DISKARRAY(26) = 523
DISKARRAY(27) = 505
DISKARRAY(28) = 486
DISKARRAY(29) = 466
DISKARRAY(30) = 447
DISKARRAY(31) = 426
DISKARRAY(32) = 407
DISKARRAY(33) = 388
DISKARRAY(34) = 369
DISKARRAY(35) = 348
DISKARRAY(36) = 328
DISKARRAY(37) = 308
DISKARRAY(38) = 288
DISKARRAY(39) = 267
DISKARRAY(40) = 247
DISKARRAY(41) = 225
DISKARRAY(42) = 205
DISKARRAY(43) = 184
DISKARRAY(44) = 164
DISKARRAY(45) = 143
DISKARRAY(46) = 122
DISKARRAY(47) = 100
DISKARRAY(48) = 79
DISKARRAY(49) = 52
DISKARRAY(50) = 24
End Sub

Main Control - DiskPos.bas

Sub PDDisk()

	Done = False
	J = 1
	K = 0
	DiskErr = 0
	OutRate = AntiGrav
	Call Delay(0.1)
	Call Putpin(Diskout,1)
	Call Putpin(Diskin,0)

'Main Control Loop
'		Call PulseOut(17, 1000, 1)

'		Calculate Position and Velocity
		Call DiskState()

'		PD Control Loop 
		PWMVal = Cint(Clng(Kpd)*Clng(DiskErr) - Clng(Kvd*Csng(DiskVel))) + AntiGrav '+ KiD*Csng(DiskInt)

		Call GoDisk()

		If ABS(DiskVel)<=5 then
			If ABS(DiskErr) <= 4  Then
				K = K + 1
				K = 0
			End If
		End If

		If K = 10 Then
			Done = True	
		End If

	Loop While (Done = False) 

	Call LockDisk()

'	DiskPos = GetADC(DiskWiper)
'	Debug.Print "            At Disk: "; Cstr(DiskPos)
End Sub
Sub DiskState()
	'Calculates Position
	DiskPos = GetADC(DiskWiper)

	'Calculates Error
	DiskErr = DiskDest - DiskPos

	'Calculates Velocity
	DiskVel = DiskPos - DiskLast
	DiskLast = DiskPos

'Debug.Print "ArmErr = "; Cstr(DiskErr)
'Debug.Print "ArmVel = "; Cstr(DiskVel)
'Debug.Print "ArmInt = "; Cstr(DiskInt)
End Sub

Main Control - ArmPos.bas

Sub PDArm()
'	Initalize looping conditions
	Done = False
	J = 1
	K = 0

'	Unlocks Detents
	Call PutPin(TrackOdd,0)
	Call PutPin(TrackEven,0)

'		Call PulseOut(17, 1000, 1)

'		Calculate Position and Velocity
		Call ArmState()

'		PD Control Algorithm
		PWMVal = KpA*ArmErr - KvA*ArmVel

'		calculates necessary direction
		If Abs(PWMVal) = PWMVal then 'positive
			Call Goin()
			PWMVal = Abs(PWMVal)
			Call GoOut()
		End If

		If ABS(ArmVel)<=5 Then
'		Enters this If-Then only when going slowly
			If ABS(ArmErr) <= 2  Then
				K = K + 1
				K = 0
			End If
		End If

		If K = 5 Then
			Done = True
			Call GoStop()	
			Call PutPin(Detent,1)
		End If

'		Done = StatusQueue(ICom1)

	Loop While (Done = False)

ArmPos = GetADC(ArmWiper)
'Debug.Print "At Track: "; Cstr(ArmPos)
End Sub
Sub ArmState()
'	Calculates Position
	ArmPos = GetADC(ArmWiper)
'Debug.print "ArmPos: "; Cstr(ArmPos)

'	Calculates Error
	ArmErr = ArmDest - ArmPos

'	Calculates Velocity
	ArmVel = ArmPos - ArmLast
	ArmLast = ArmPos

'Debug.Print "ArmPos = "; Cstr(ArmPos)
'Debug.Print "ArmVel = "; Cstr(ArmVel)
End Sub

Main Control - Servo.bas

Sub Servo()

'	These variables should never exceed 19000.
	InRate = 1
	OutRate = 1

'		Generate a high-going pulse on In/Up Clutch.
		Call PulseOut(InDown, InRate, 1)
'        This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
		Call Delay(0.005)
		Call PulseOut(OutUp, OutRate, 1)
'        This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
		Call Delay(0.005)


End Sub

'Track Motion Only
Sub GoIn ()							
	OutRate = 1
	If PWMVal < 1000 then
		InRate = 1000
	ElseIf PWMVal > 1400 then
		InRate = 1400
		InRate = PWMVal
	End If	

End Sub
'Track Motion Only
Sub GoOut ()							
	InRate = 1
	If PWMVal < 1100 then
		OutRate = 1100
	ElseIf PWMVal > 1400 then
		OutRate= 1400
		OutRate = PWMVal
	End If	

End Sub

Sub GoStop ()
	InRate = 1
	OutRate = 1

End Sub
'Disk Motion Only
Sub GoDisk()
	InRate = 1

	If PWMVal <2500 then
		OutRate = 2500
	ElseIf PWMVal > 6000 Then
		Outrate = 6000
		OutRate = PWMVal
	End If	
End Sub
Sub LockDisk()
	call Putpin(Diskin,1)
	call Putpin(Diskout,0)
	Call Delay(0.2)
	Outrate = 1
	InRate = 1
'	Turns on GreenLED
	Call PutPin(26,0)
End Sub
Sub GoHome()
'	Saves destination track while going home
	ArmSave = ArmDest
	ArmDest = ArmHome

	DSave = Detent
	Detent = 26

		Call PDArm()

	Detent = DSave
	ArmDest = ArmSave
End Sub

Arm Position - Position.bas

Option Explicit
'Constant Declarations
Public Const DiskWiper	as Byte = 13
Public Const ArmWiper	as Byte = 14
Public Const TrackOdd	as Byte = 7
Public Const TrackEven	as Byte = 5
Public Const DiskOut	as Byte = 6
Public Const DiskIn	as Byte = 9
Public Const AirHead	as Byte = 8
Public Const InUp  	as Byte = 15
Public Const OutDown	as Byte = 16
Public Const Kp 		as Integer = 3
Public Const Kv		as Integer = 6
Public Const Clmin		as Integer = 900
Public Const Clmax		as Integer = 1200

'Variable Declarations
Dim		ArmDest	as Integer
Public	ArmErr	as Integer
Public	ArmPos 	as Integer
Public	ArmLast	as Integer
Public	ArmVel	as Integer
Public	Direction as Boolean ' if true then going in/up
Public	PWMVal	as Integer
Public 	InRate 	as Integer
Public 	OutRate 	as Integer

Dim ServoStack(1 To 40) As Byte

Public Sub Main()

	CallTask "Servo", ServoStack

ArmDest = 50

'Converts track number to 10 bit representation
ArmDest = 550 
Debug.Print "Track: 50"
Debug.print " Value: "; Cstr(ArmDest)


'Calculate Position and Velocity
Call State()

'calculates offset
ArmErr = ArmDest - ArmPos
'if abs(armerr) = armerr then
'	armerr = armerr + fudge
'	armerr = armerr - fudge
'end if

'PD Control Algorithm
PWMVal = Kp*(ArmErr ) - Kv*ArmVel

'calculates necessary direction
If Abs(PWMVal) = PWMVal then 'positive
		'Direction = True
	Call Goin()
		'Direction = False
	PWMVal = Abs(PWMVal)
	Call GoOut()
End If

'call Goin()

End Sub

Sub State()
dim I as integer

ArmPos = 0

for I = 0 to 4
	ArmPos = ArmPos + GetADC(ArmWiper)


'Calculates Velocity
ArmVel = ArmPos - ArmLast
ArmLast = ArmPos

Debug.Print "ArmPos = "; Cstr(ArmPos)
'Debug.Print "ArmVel = "; Cstr(ArmVel)

End Sub


Arm Position - Servo.bas

Sub Servo()

'	These Variables should never exceed 0.0019.
	InRate = 1
	OutRate = 1
	'Call Delay(1.0)

'		Generate a high-going pulse on In/Up Clutch.
		Call PulseOut(InUp, InRate, 1)
'        This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
		Call Delay(0.005)
		Call PulseOut(OutDown, OutRate, 1)
'        This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
		Call Delay(0.005)


End Sub

Sub GoIn ()							
	OutRate = 1
	If PWMVal < (Clmin+40) then
		InRate = Clmin+40
	ElseIf PWMVal > Clmax then
		InRate = Clmax
		InRate = PWMVal
	End If	
'	Debug.Print "Going in"; Cstr(InRate)

End Sub

Sub GoOut ()							
	InRate = 1
	If PWMVal < ClMin then
		OutRate = ClMin
	ElseIf PWMVal > Clmax then
		OutRate = PWMVal
	End If	
'	Debug.Print "Going out"; Cstr(outRate)

	'OutRate = 3000
	'Call Delay(0.015)
End Sub

Sub GoStop ()
	InRate = 1
	OutRate = 1

End Sub

Disk Position - DiskPos.bas

Option Explicit
'Constant Declarations
Public Const DiskWiper	as Byte = 13
Public Const ArmWiper	as Byte = 14
Public Const TrackOdd	as Byte = 7
Public Const TrackEven	as Byte = 5
Public Const DiskOut	as Byte = 6
Public Const DiskIn	as Byte = 9
Public Const AirHead	as Byte = 8
Public Const InUp  	as Byte = 15
Public Const OutDown	as Byte = 16
Public Const Kp 		as Integer = 3
Public Const Kv		as Integer = 7
Public Const Clmin		as Integer = 900
Public Const Clmax		as Integer = 1200
'Constants for down motion
'Public Const KpDd 		as Single = 1.0	
'Public Const KiDd		as Single = 0.0	
'Public Const KvDd		as Single = 0.0	
'Constants for up motion
Public Const KpDu 		as Single = 19.0	
'Public Const KiDu		as Single = 0.0	
Public Const KvDu		as Single = 39.0	

Public Const AntiGrav	as Integer = 3350   'Integer
Public Const max		as integer = 4

'Variable Declarations
Dim		ArmDest	as Integer
Public	ArmErr	as Integer
Public	ArmPos 	as Integer
Public	ArmLast	as Integer
Public	ArmVel	as Integer
Public	Direction as Boolean ' if true then going in/up
Public 	Done		as Boolean
Public	PWMVal	as Integer
Public 	InRate 	as Integer
Public 	OutRate 	as Integer
Public 	DiskPos 	as Integer
Public 	DiskLast 	as Integer
Public 	DiskVel 	as Integer
Public 	DiskDest 	as Integer
Public 	DiskErr 	as Integer
Public 	DiskInt 	as Integer
Public 	J		as Integer
Dim 		KpD		as Single
Dim 		KiD		as Single
Dim 		KvD		as Single
'Dim 		max		as Integer
Public 	DIntArr(1 to 15)  as Integer
Dim K as Integer

Dim ServoStack(1 To 40) As Byte

Sub PDdisk()

	CallTask "Servo", ServoStack

DiskDest = 1011
DIntArr(1) = 0
DIntArr(2) = 0
DIntArr(3) = 0
DIntArr(4) = 0
DIntArr(5) = 0
DIntArr(6) = 0
DIntArr(7) = 0
DIntArr(8) = 0

Done = False
J = 1
K = 0
DiskErr = 0
'Max = Maxint
OutRate = AntiGrav
call Putpin(Diskout,1)
call Putpin(Diskin,0)

	Kpd = Kpdu
'	KiD = KiDu
	KvD = KvDu

'Main Control Loop
'	Call PulseOut(17, 1000, 1)

	Call DiskState()

'Decision on direction: which PID gains to use
'DiskErr = DiskDest - DiskPos

'If Abs(DiskErr) = DiskErr Then
'	Debug.Print "Going Up"
'	Kpd = Kpdu
'	KiD = KiDu
'	KvD = KvDu
'	Debug.Print "Going Down"
'	Kpd = Kpdd
'	KiD = KiDd
'	KvD = KvDd
'End If

'If Abs(DiskErr) < 30 Then
'	Kpd = 20.0
'	KiD = 20.0
'	KvD = 4.0
'end if

'PID Control Loop 
	PWMVal = Cint(Kpd*Csng(DiskErr) + KiD*Csng(DiskInt) - Kvd*Csng(DiskVel)) + AntiGrav
	Debug.Print "PWM = "; Cstr(PWMVal)

If ABS(DiskErr) <= 2 Then
'	Done = True	
	K = K + 1
	Debug.Print " K+1 DiskErr = "; Cstr(DiskErr); Cstr(DiskPos)
	K = 0
End If

If K = 3 Then
	Done = True	
End If

Call GoDisk()

loop While Done = False

Call LockDisk()

Debug.Print "All Done!"

End Sub

Sub DiskState()
dim I as integer

'Calculates Position
'DiskPos = GetADC(DiskWiper)

'DiskPos = GetADC(DiskWiper)
DiskPos = 0
for I = 0 to 4
	DiskPos = DiskPos + GetADC(DiskWiper)
	Debug.Print "            ArmPos = "; Cstr(DiskPos)

'Calculates Error
DiskErr = DiskDest - DiskPos

'Calculates Velocity
DiskVel = DiskPos - DiskLast
DiskLast = DiskPos

'Call Integrate()

'Debug.Print "ArmErr = "; Cstr(DiskErr)
'Debug.Print "ArmVel = "; Cstr(DiskVel)
'Debug.Print "ArmInt = "; Cstr(DiskInt)

End Sub

Sub Integrate()
Dim I as Integer

'Calculates Integral error

'If Abs(DiskErr) > 800 Then
'	DiskInt = 0
DIntArr(J) = DiskErr
DiskInt = 0

For I = 0 to (max-1)
	DiskInt = DiskInt + DIntArr(I)

DiskInt = DiskInt\max

'If DiskInt < -15 then
'	DiskInt = -15
'End If

J = J + 1
If J > max Then
	J = 1
End If

'End If
End Sub

Sub LockDisk()
call Putpin(Diskin,1)
	call Putpin(Diskout,0)
	Call Delay(0.1)
	Outrate = 1
	InRate = 1
	Call PutPin(26,0)
End Sub

Disk Position - Servo.bas

Sub Servo()

'	These Variables should never exceed 0.0019.
	InRate = 1
	OutRate = 1
	'Call Delay(1.0)

'		Generate a high-going pulse on In/Up Clutch.
		Call PulseOut(InUp, InRate, 1)
'        This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
		Call Delay(0.005)
		Call PulseOut(OutDown, OutRate, 1)
'        This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
		Call Delay(0.005)


End Sub

Sub GoIn ()							
	OutRate = 1
	If PWMVal < (Clmin+40) then
		InRate = Clmin+40
	ElseIf PWMVal > Clmax then
		InRate = Clmax
		InRate = PWMVal
	End If	
'	Debug.Print "Going in "; Cstr(InRate)

End Sub

Sub GoOut ()							
	InRate = 1
	If PWMVal < ClMin then
		OutRate = ClMin
	ElseIf PWMVal > Clmax then
		OutRate = PWMVal
	End If	
'	Debug.Print "Going out"; Cstr(outRate)

	'OutRate = 3000
	'Call Delay(0.015)
End Sub

Sub GoStop ()
	InRate = 1
	OutRate = 1

End Sub

Sub GoDisk()
	InRate = 1

	If PWMVal <2200 then
		OutRate = 2200
	'ElseIf PWMVal > 10000 Then
	'	Outrate = 10000
		OutRate = PWMVal
	End If	
'	Debug.Print "Going "; Cstr(OutRate)
End Sub
Sub GoDownDisk()
	InRate = 1

	If PWMVal <2200 then
		OutRate = 2200
	'ElseIf PWMVal > 10000 Then
	'	Outrate = 10000
		OutRate = PWMVal
	End If	
	Debug.Print "Going down "; Cstr(OutRate)
End Sub

Head Trial - Heads.bas

Option Explicit
Public Const DiskWiper	as Byte = 13
Public Const ArmWiper	as Byte = 14
Public Const TrackOdd	as Byte = 7
Public Const TrackEven	as Byte = 5
Public Const DiskOut	as Byte = 6
Public Const DiskIn	as Byte = 9
Public Const AirHead	as Byte = 8
Public Const InDown  	as Byte = 15

Public Icom1(1 to 11) As Byte
Public Ocom1(1 to 11) As Byte
public armpos as integer
Public Sub Main()

	Call OpenQueue(ICom1, 13)
	Call OpenQueue(OCom1, 13)
	Call OpenCom(1,19200,ICom1,OCom1)
Call Putpin(TrackOdd,0)
Call PutPin(AirHead,0)

Call ClearQueue(ICom1)

	'Waits for any key
		Call Delay(0.1)
	Loop While (StatusQueue(ICom1) = False)

'Call Putpin(TrackOdd,1)'locks the odd track detent, comment this out to prevent track locking
Call PutPin(AirHead,1)'puts heads down 1: on, 0: off

	'Call DiskWrite()'calls command to write disk, comment out to avoid writing

Call ClearQueue(ICom1)
	'Waits for any key
		Call Delay(0.1)
	Loop While (StatusQueue(ICom1) = False)

'Call Putpin(TrackOdd,0)
'Call PutPin(AirHead,0)

End Sub

Sub DiskWrite()

Debug.Print "Writing"
Call Delay(0.5)
Call PutPin(11,0)
Dim I as Integer
For I = 1 to 5000
	'1.0e-5=10 microseconds
	Call Pulseout(12, 1.0E-4,1)
	Call Pulseout(11, 1.0E-4,1)
Debug.Print "Done"  
End Sub

If you have comments or suggestions, Send e-mail to Ed Thelen

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